Day 38 NM, it’s not you its me

CDT mile 633, miles hiked 26 No, no, no New Mexico you see it’s not you, it’s me.  I need to go, I know you have been wonderful to me with your desolate yet beautiful bootheel, where is saw ocochita in bloom and hummingbirds feeding on them. You welcomed...

Day 37, Transition to the Mountains

CDT mile 607, miles hiked 26.3 The first task for the day was to get to the river and get across it.  A section hiker named Pot had told us that when they arrived the river was so high they had to turn around.  The log over it was useless and he said it was too much...

Day 36, Cross Country Fun

CDT mile 580.7, miles hiked 26.5 As I laid in my Katabatic Quilt enjoying my morning coffee and granola I looked over at Freefall and there beside him was an elk and about 5 more moving in.  One of the boys up above stirred and they took off.  We had been awoken by...

Day 35, Snap!

CDT mile 554.2 miles hiked 14.5 I awoke in the campground a bit groggy from the night before the full moon made it hard to sleep the past few nights.  I packed up and was able to get a decent signal to upload my blog before others were up taking all the bandwidth in...

Day 34, Ghost Ranch

CDT mile 539.7, miles hiked 12.2 The day started early with the sun coming up ever earlier each day, and the sun setting later telling us that summer is soon to come.  We rolled out camp and shortly came to Skull Bridge and the Rio de Chama.  It was running very fast,...

Day 33, Water-Water Everywhere, Whoops

CDT mile 552.1, miles hiked 24.6 I stirred awake at dawn it had gotten below freezing last night and shoes were frozen, along with the inside of my tarp.  I sat up and immediately was rained on by frozen ice, I shrugged it off, lit my stove and ate. We headed out for...