Miles hiked 0

Sketchy hanging her shoes on the shoe tree in Lima

Lima is the kind of town that you can spend a week in one day.  I started my day with a trip to the post office for my bounce box, and then I rolled to Jan’s cafe for some breakfast.  I had an awesome meal and the side of ham was an actual ham steak.

The day was spent relaxing and doing chores, at 10 am Tatu-Jo rolled up and he got right into his groove having food and catching up.  We sorted food and had a good lunch.  Zorro and Popeye showed up a few hours later and we all had lunch and had a good time catching up.

Bull Moose of the bar

Zorro told me his tale of the grizzly attack.  He was walking down Leeds Creek when a grizzly popped out of the bushes 40 yards away, the bear saw him and immediately started to charge.  Not knowing how to use his bear spray or having time to react he did the only thing he could think of he dropped to the ground and acted dead.  The bear kept coming and ran right over him.  The bear’s nails punctured his pack and the Grizzly just kept going. Glad it was him and not me.

At 6 pm Mike from the motel came in and dropped off Spirit, Veg, Sketchy, Easy Strider and Stop and Go, my god, it was a hiker party.  We all rolled down to the Peat Bar and Grill where you can grill your own steak, we all enjoyed it and the experience was something I will never forget.

Grilling steaks in Lima like a cowboy on a cattle drive

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