CDT Mile 180.5, miles hiked 20

I awoke at 5 am, made coffee, packed up and decided to head out a bit early so I could be by myself for a bit.  I walked by where the others were camped I saw a headlamp and Greg in Wild had his tent lights on.  So I figured everyone was getting ready to go too.

I ascended through the dark but the moonlight is still bright enough to illuminate the forest good thing since my petzl e-lite is not the greatest for night hiking.  I made it to the alternate junction where CDT hikers can decide if they want to hike the Black Range or take the Gila River alternate that takes you up through the Gila River Canyon.

I walked down the trail and made breakfast, it was super cold so I put on all my clothes and still shivering pulled out my Katabatic quilt and crawled into it while I ate.  I waited for nearly 45 minutes but not one of the boys showed up.  I finally couldn’t wait any longer so I packed up and headed out.

The trail descended through sheep canyon and eventually dumped me out at the Gila River, finally a free-flowing river after so much sand and desert.  I spotted a gravel bar and had a full on yard sale.  I made up some lunch, washed my shirt so the salt in it would stop chaffing my nipples and even took a nap.  2 hours later and still no one had caught me, I figured I was on my own to Doc Campbell’s so I packed up and started the Gila walk.

the descent to the Gila took me through fields and forest

This section of trail is famous for its river crossings and while I expected to be in the water I wasn’t expecting it to be such a bushwhack between the crossings. I made my way along the river a few miles and the had to drop the kids off at the pool, so to speak.  As I was finishing up I spotted Buttercup, Bandit, and Zorro and gave a shout out. They informed me that Sweet Potato was ill and had puked all night.  Freefall stayed back in camp with him and Greg in Wild and Big John were going to slow down the mileage a bit and adjust their plans.  So it was just us now.

We traveled along the Gila Canyon each turn revealing a new rock face, old cave dwelling, and ford that we would negotiate.  It was a lovely walk until the wind picked up.  As we exited the river late in the day we were chilled as a strong wind evaporated the water from our legs.  Finally at 6 pm after hiking 20 miles we found a camp and settled in for the night.
In the morning we only have to hike 8 miles and cross the Gila 23 more times to make Doc Campbell’s where we will resupply, eat ice cream and soak in hot springs, I can’t wait to soak these weary bones.

The Gila River a magical place

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