CDT mile 263.2 miles hiked 16.2

Feral donkeys came to visit is on our walk

All night I dreamed of food, wonderful food back in Portland.  I dreamt first of cake, pastries, burgers, dumplings from. Shandong.  What I awoke to was the cries of the coyotes rounding up their pack before dawn and feeling ready to eat.
I was able to get down some oatmeal with cinnamon apples and a hot cup of coffee.  I lied in bed writing about the previous day and then we started to pack up.

Big John came over to say hi with his pack on ready to roll.  How crazy that after not seeing him for 2 days, he camps 75 feet from us last night.  We got on the road a nice USFS one with little to no traffic and began the climb to the divide at 9,000′.  When we saw Big John up ahead we spotted 4 donkeys that came out to follow him.  It was hilarious, they stopped after a bit and we saw them up close.

We kept going up, the creek had water but we all said I’ll make it to the next one 2 miles away, nope that was a dry, one thing out here in NM if you’re not in the Gila, never pass up water you never know if the next one will be dry. We eventually made the spring, grabbed water and started to tabulate miles.  68.5 miles to pie town still?  Well with that we knew we better get it in gear.

My caregiver and savior for many days of being ill

When we reached the top of the road, we kept going down it for we thought the CDT markers were for the “official” route over the black range to rejoin.  We walked about a mile downhill before realizing our folly and turning around.  We caught Big John and got back on track.

We stopped for a lunch as soon as I ate I slept for an hour.  I am still not completely better and felt sluggish and pukey on the uphills.  After lunch, we hiked up and over small peaks covered in blowdown and from the fires a few years back.
We finally came to the tank, more of a small pond and after assessing our energy levels decided to call it day.  The next 17 miles start with a clone that would put us at 9,000′ and in a very cold camp.  Instead, we are nestled in at the tank watered up and ready for the bright am wake up at 4:30 am.

A good nights rest was indeed needed

It’s another 57.5 miles to Pie Town, the Toaster House, and our other friends.  Not sure if we will make it as hoped by Friday, but we’ll see.

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