CDT mile 34.7, miles hiked 21

Flowers are blooming in the desert

We started out the day with a 5 am wake up call.  The weather was cool but manageable as we packed up our gear, drank some cold coffee took care of the AM BM and then started out of camp around 6:25.  The trail this morning was not a trail but more cross country through various desert plants like ocochita and choa and barrel cactus.  We followed posts that have been placed and the navigation was much easier than expected.


CDTC has done a good job of adding signage

We passed by the Warrior Hikers as they were breaking camp and we trucked along wanting to get to water and have a mid-day break.  We found a huge treat at about 9 am and we sat in the cool shade of a grotto and ate snacks, two of the warrior hikers caught up to us and we chatted with them before heading back out.  We made good time and as we approached the cache box we spotted my friend Sean Gobin who founded the Warrior Hike program, he was at the road waiting for his guys with an RV and his awning stretched out.  We jumped at the shade and sat in chairs, he gave us cold mountain dews and ice cream bars our first trail magic and an amazing treat on a hot shadeless day.

Big John caught up about an hour later and we stripped down his pack of extra gear and food and Sean took it to Lordsburg for him.  We looked at the water report and noticed we had to go another 13 miles for water which would make a 25-mile day.  We started back out about 2:30 and hoped we could make it.  We ground it out all day long and finally at 6:45 we stopped short as the mileage was a hair too much for Big John and Greg in Wild.

When they arrived we decided we had gone far enough and would dry camp.  We are sitting now looking at Hatchet Peak and where we came from.  I just gobbled up a Cajun Rice and beans from Backpackers Pantry, thanks again Melissa and Michele for all the great food.


Sunrise over the desert

I will remember to put my hat low on my eyes because of the full moon and hope that an early start will put me at the water source within an hour of walking.

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