CDT mile1228.6, Miles hiked 29.7
Let’s just say trail magic happens in the most peculiar ways on the CDT. When we woke up an hour late from our long push into camp the night before we had all intentions of hiking 23 or so miles and then hiking in the 6-8 miles to Steamboat Springs on Friday.
We started out and at the first stream, we took a look of see why the water was for the day, no water for 31 miles, or basically Friday. That’s a long carry and one we don’t care for. We weighed options and saw a creek we would walk by on both a dirt road and the highway. Cheesy pointed out that we had an 11-mile pavement walk starting at 20.1 miles until we hit Rabbit Ears Pass where we would hitch a ride to steamboat springs.
The trail was gentle up an old road and then into a USFS road we would walk to the highway. Along the way, we passed a camp of folks who thought the best way to celebrate our freedom was to spend the better part of two hours lighting of rounds from their AR-15. The constant gunfire we listened to as we walked started an I teetering talk with cheesy about guns, and America’s fascination with them. Let’s just say I’m not giving mine up but I definitely have a new perspective on guns but more so how much we really don’t need them.
After the gun camp we came to a valley and for the first time since leaving New Mexico w, were greeted by a herd of cows. The old familiar smell of rank cattle, fresh cow dung, and their constant stares let’s us know we were back in cattle country. We walked the valley road until we hit the pavement. We sat down on the side of the road to prepare for the road walk, it was 4pm so we figured let’s rock out the 9 miles to highway 40 then go to town. Right then a pick up pulled up and asked if we were hiking the CDT? Next thing we knew this nice fisherman was handing each of us an ice cold Pacifico, we sat in the hot sun and drank our ice cold brew, after that we hit the road.
3.5 miles later as we walked the busy a highway a Suburban and then a Subaru pulled over in a wide spot. The two drivers got out and one said to me. ” we are looking for you”, we walked over and I asked one so I know you and he said, “I’m Hollywood and you’re Allgood the guy who made us pancakes at PCT Days last year.” There in the flesh was Wrangler and Hollywood, PCT alumni of 2015 who I had fed at PCT Days last year. They had come out seeking hikers to trail magic.
We sat at their rigs drinking beer and Arnold Palmers, we ate chips and fruit and then they said, “so you want to go to town?” Of course but first, we needed to connect our steps to highway 40, so they took our packs, we each grabbed water and started on our way pounding the 6 miles to the highway. Two miles from the end and the mosquitos came out in full force and started eating us alive, we pushed as fast as we could but alas the skeeters won, bastards! When we hit the junction the two guys had chairs waiting for us and hot dogs cooking on a camp stove. 3 hotdogs and one beer later and all of us were on the highway to steamboat springs.

Hot dogs and cold brews make a 29.7 mile day worth it, From Left to Right Hollywood, Allgood, and Maverick
Hollywood works at the resort and lives in a sweet apartment with his dog Rhino at One Steamboat Place a very posh condo place at the heart of the resort. He offered us a free place to stay with him so of course, we jumped at the opportunity. We enjoyed a German dinner of schnitzel and spätzle and then turned in for the night.